A+ A A-

ANZAC Alliance

Monday, 23 July 2012
Published in Null Sec PvP

One of the largest and oldest AU/TZ centric corporation in Eve.


Where are all the Aussies

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Published in Featured Articles

The AU community is a respectable percentage of EVE Online players worldwide given our relatively small population. Using numbers released by CCP with the CSM (Council of Stellar Management) results, 3.71% or roughly 15,200 accounts are owned by Australians. Yes 3.71% doesn’t sound like much but that is nearly 50% more per head of population than the US.


There is one major unknown in working out how many Australian bodies sit behind that 15,200, the fact that many players have multiple accounts. 


Without actually having any solid data on this and as CCP are unlikely to admit that 50% of the subscribers are actually the other 50% playing in disguise. However, it hardly matters in the big scheme of things.

What we do know is that there are a large number of Australians playing EVE.

In recent years, that number, and publicity of Australian TZ corporations in EVE has significantly increased, however it’s quite obvious that the number of Aussies in active Aussie corps is nowhere near the 15,200 Aussie accounts.

So where are all the Aussies?

Looking through the list of Aussie corps on this website I count close to 2100 Aussies in primarily Aussie corps. That’s probably counting a heck of a lot of alts, let alone non Aussies.

That leaves many thousands outside of a fairly comprehensive list of Aussie corps. Not even close to 50% of Aussies are in primarily Aussie corps.

The list does exclude some notable exceptions though, many of the mega corps in EVE, for example Goonwaffe, Dreddit, RvB and Eve University all house significant numbers of Aussies.

However, from my maths, and from talking to many Aussie who have come in from the "wilderness" there are many lonely Aussies scattered far and wide across the galaxy living a life of isolation and empty corp channels. 

This may suit some, however I’m sure that many would enjoy the benefits of being in a corp with people that greet your good evening with a good evening of their own, and that are actually easy to understand.

An active Aussie community that isn’t scattered across the EVE Universe means greater possibilities for all AUTZ EVE players and it is up to everyone to support the great Aussie groups that are out there and to advertise the fact that we as Aussies can both create great content within our own timezone, and make a impact big or small in the grand scheme of EVE-Online.

Van Diemen's Demise

Monday, 23 July 2012
Published in Null Sec PvP

Primarily a null sec PVP Corp made up of a bunch of "tight" real-life friends and other experienced EVE players. The originating corp of the Scrap Iron Flotilla.

AUTZ Corporation List

Wednesday, 08 August 2012
Published in AU Corps and Alliances

The following is an alphabetical list of Corporations that are known to have a recognised presence in the AUTZ.

If you would like to be added to this list or have your corporation entry updated, please fill out our Corporation Form found HERE

For in game guidance on finding the best AUTZ corp for you.. join the "EVE Down Under" chat channel.


Alliance: Nulli Secunda
Members: 100
Occupation: Null Sec PVP 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Eric Xallen
Recruiting:  Yes 
Contact:  vipkiller, Joshua Blue
Seeking:  Active Null Sec PVP'ers
Notes:   Was formed after the closure of the CONVICTED Alliance.
DOTLAN:  http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/3-Strikes

ANZAC Alliance

Alliance: Against ALL Authorities
Members: 244
Occupation: PvP (Fleet), PvP (Gang), 0.0 (Sov), Mission, Mining, Manufacture, W-Space (Anomalies), W-Space (POS), S&I, Ratting, Exploration & Plexing, Trading, PI.
Tax Rate: 15%
CEO: Rooman
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:   ANZA Apps
Contact:  Lord Minma
Seeking:   All folks, all timezones
Notes:   One of the largest AU/TZ centric corporation in EVE.
Website:  www.anzacalliance.com

Assisted Genocide

Alliance: Unprovoked Aggression
Members: 90 (60% Aussie)
Occupation: Pirates - PvP (Fleet), PvP (Gang), Blackops, Blowing internet spaceships up
Tax Rate: 5%
CEO: Joseph Smith 
Recruiting:  Limited
In-Game:  Genocide4isk
Contact:  nulab Jones
Notes:   Relaxed PVP only corp, into skirmish style warfare, Black ops. We PVP in both 0.0 and lowsec, basically where the targets are so if your worried about your sec status don't even bother asking to join.
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Assisted_Genocide
Killboard: http://www.assistedgenocide.eve-kill.net/


Australian Forces Inc. 


Members: 57 
Location: Tenerifis 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Layla Arzil
Recruiting:  Limited 
Contact:  Layla Arzil 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Australian_Forces_Inc. 
Website: http://www.ausforces.com 


Alliance: The Welfare State
Members: 82 (90% Aussies)
Location: Wormhole
Occupation: PVP, PVE - in Wormhole
Tax Rate: 5%
CEO: Amishrakefight
Recruiting:  Limited
Contact:  Hellynx84, or if you have to,,, Amishrakefight, Fromil
Notes:   Bunch of relaxed Aussie, making a fortune in a WH
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Austudy

Black Aces

Alliance: Against All Authorities
Members: 150
Location: Stain
Occupation: Null Sec PVP
Tax Rate: 10%
CEO: Hawkcrest
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  Black Aces Recruitment
Contact:  General Gree, Dakx Flae, Rasra bigboom, Dack Pilot,

AU/US TZ players... need minimum 25 million skill points. Love of PVP!

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Black_Aces
Killboard: http://blackaces.eve-kill.net/?a=home 

Brave Newbies Inc

Alliance: Brave Collective
Members: 3000 (50+ Aussies)
Location: Placid 
Occupation: PVP, PVE, Wormholes, Industry, Mining, Hauling, Trading, and stupid shit in Comms
Tax Rate: 10%
CEO: Matias Otero 
Recruiting:  Y
Contact:  Cagali Cagali 
Seeking:  Everyone. Requirements: A pulse. At least a potato that can run eve.

BRAVE COLLECTIVE is the fourth largest alliance in Eve, made up of a vast horde of new players.

Everyone is welcome, with the only requirement that you stay classy.

Excellent teaching and learning opportunities. 

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Brave_Newbies_Inc.
Website: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bravenewbies/



Capital Storm.


Alliance: WHY so SeriOUs
Members: 116 (All AUTZ)
Location: Wicked Creek
Occupation: Null Sec PVP
Tax Rate: 10%
CEO: Jacabon Mere
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  Capital Storm Pub
Seeking:  Player who want to experience a variety of nullsec activities, and have a desire to PVP. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Capital_Storm.


Cosmic Cimmerians

Alliance: Usurper.
Members: 49
Occupation: Small gang PVP
Tax Rate: 10%
CEO: MalooR8
Recruiting:  Yes
Contact:  Vikki Ni, MalooR8, RAW0540
Seeking:  CCIM is actively recruiting for new PvP members from a range of timezones.
Notes:   Unlike afew other Aussie Corp/Alliances out there; we DO NOT own SOV, pay Rent or are anyone's pets (biatches) lol All that = no drama. So we focus on small gang, fast roams, guerrilla style and strategic PvP. With great success!! CCIM has an Academy Corp "The Misfits" that you can join and be PvP coached by some of the best CCIM players.
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Cosmic_Cimmerians
Killboard: http://ccim.id.au/killboard/
Website:  http://ccim.id.au/


Members: 70
Location: Wormhole
Occupation: Wormhole, PVP, PVE
Tax Rate: 12% 
CEO: Receg 
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  Daktak 
Contact:  Flyr Kim, Receg 
Seeking:  People who are interested in learning and playing the game with a leveled head. Main ships we use to farm sites is armor sites because of our wormhole being a wolf rayet. Tech 3 and tier 3 battlecruisers are a necessity as well as a scanny cloaky ship. We lose ships but we make the money for it back quick enough. Currently trying to gain more Australians to continue having activity in the Australian timezone especially after 10 AEST. 
Notes:   Wormhole space that does small gang roams. We live within a C5 - C6 Static (Wolf Rayet). We have plenty of Aussies on but need more to dominate and balance the filthy US West Timezone players. We love doing nano gangs out in null sec. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Daktaklakpak.


Dogmatic Citizens

Alliance: Sadistica Alliance 
Members: 40 (Australian & NZ)
Location: WH Space and Highsec
Occupation: PvP (Gang), Mission, Mining, Manufacture, W-Space (Anomalies), W-Space (POS), Exploration & PI.
Tax Rate: 15%
CEO: Evianie 
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  Dogmatic Public
Contact:  Evianie 

We're looking for pilots to fill all of those occupations and can offer many things in return. Ships built for corp members at a discount price, regular mining ops, Weekly pvp ops and missions afterwards for those who need to get some sec status back amongst other things.

Notes:   We're a laid back corp that just likes to sit back and have a laugh whether we're on an op or not. We respect fully that real life comes first and you're never under obligation to be a part of our ops if you need to do something else. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Dogmatic_Citizens
Website: http://dogmatic.enjin.com/  

Drone Orphanage

Alliance: The Welfare State
Members: 49 (99% Aussies) 
Occupation: PVE, PVP-In WH. HS Manufacturing,mining
Tax Rate: 5%
CEO: Solicia Starshield 
Recruiting:  Y
In-Game:  Drone Orphanage Recruitment 
Contact:  Mardios
Notes:   Just a bunch of Aussies and a couple of imports trying to make some iskies and have fun while doing it 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Drone_Orphanage 



Dropbear Preservation Society


Alliance: Test Alliance Please Ignore
Members: 116 
Location: Delve 
Occupation: Null Sec PVP 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Kaube Calahan 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Dropbearpreservationsociety 
Contact:  Sen CVIII, Kaube Calahan, Shaun Iwaira 
Seeking:  We are a mostly-PvP corp in 0.0 space, but welcome Industry/PI/Miners too! 

We are an ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand) and Asia (if you speak english) corp in TEST Alliance.

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Dropbear_Preservation_Society 


Exemplary Orphans

Members: 33
Location: Citadel 
Occupation: PVP, PVE 
Tax Rate: 7.5% 
CEO: Baron vonGettis 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  cunts'n'carebears 
Contact:  Valhalla Shank, Baron Vongettis, Jessie Grim 
Seeking:  No specific requirements, although the corp does do wardecs from time to time, apart from that we ask that you simply have a good time. 
Notes:   Formed recently by some veterans of the game, the corp was built to allow players both new and old to thrive in an environment without the politics of large alliances.

The corp enjoys PVP in many forms from small gang roams, fleet logi supported ops all the way to Black opps gangs.

For PVE we run corp incursion fleets and anyone is welcome to mine or mission etc. low tax rate non for profit corp that just wants to grow with its members.

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Exemplary_Orphans
Killboard: http://eve-kill.net/?a=corp_detail&crp_id=308260 

Event Horizon Expeditionaires

Alliance: Apocalypse Now. 
Members: 76 (95% Aussies)
Location: Providence 
Occupation: PvP, Mining, PvE, Indy 
Tax Rate: 10 
CEO: Sienna d'Orien 
Recruiting:  Yes 
Notes:   Event Horizon specialises in exploration of space, whilst keeping a dedicate presence in Empire space to assist in research of unknown technologies.
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Event_Horizon_Expeditionaries 

Future Corps

Alliance: Sleeper Social Club 
Members: 291 (10% AUTZ)
Location: W-space 
Occupation: PvE, PvP, Mining, Wormholes 
Tax Rate: 15% 
CEO: MyrddinBishop 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  FCFTW Public 
Contact:  fido goran, Alibon Paaltomo, Risible Spoon 
Seeking:  Please check http://fcftw.org/?page_id=85 for our current recruiting requirements, but if you don't meet these, please contact either fido goran, Alibon Paaltomo or Risible Spoon to see what is available to you 

Future Corps [FCFTW] is currently established within a C5 classed WH with a C5 static.

With the availibilty of the Static C5, we as a corporation have access to the endless supply of C5 sleeper sites and, Bob willing, a large supply of home WH sites to run capital escalations.

But when cooling down from the endless sleeper butchering, we’re always happy to join in on some PvP, whether its:

As a wormhole corporation we also keep standings with our fellow wormhole corporation Lead Farmers.

As our roots run through Eve-University we maintain a friendly relationship with them, outside of the random friendly fights.  Additionally, we hold lectures in our field of expertise. 

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Future_Corps 
Killboard: http://fcftw.eve-kill.net/ 
Website: http://fcftw.org/ 



House of Serenity.

Alliance: Unprovoked Agression
Members: 44
Location: Low Sec
Occupation: Small - Medium gang PVP, BlackOps
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: TwobitGW 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  HOS Public 
Seeking:   Australian Time Zone PVPers. 5mil SP with PVP experience
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/House_Of_Serenity. 
Killboard: http://hosdot.com/edk/
Website: http://forum.unprovokedaggression.com/index.php?board=59.0




Alliance: Fidelas Constans 
Members: 176 
Location: Branch 
Occupation: PvP (Fleet), PvP (Gang), Ratting, Plexing, Griefing, whatever ya like to do! 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: industrial oblitorator 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Oi Oi Oi 
Contact:  industrial oblitorator (AUTZ) / pawnee (USTZ) 
Seeking:  Null Sec PVP  pilots. NBSI Policy, 
Notes:   Relaxed pvp corp, we don't care where ya from as long as ya enjoy yaself with ya mates. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/I_N_E_X_T_R_E_M_I_S 


Industry and Investment

Alliance: NZAU Alliance 
Members: 34 (70% Aussies 28% kiwi 2% US)
Location: Essence 
Occupation: PvP (Fleet), PvP (Gang), Mission, Mining, Manufacture, S&I, Ratting, Exploration & Plexing, Trading, PI.
Tax Rate: 4% 
CEO: Mrs Demeanor 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  NZAU Public 
Contact:  Mrs Demeanor 
Notes:   Bunch of Aussies and Kiwis who enjoy playing this game but R/L comes first as always we like to dabble in a bit of everything. Member of the Newly formed NZAU Alliance 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Industry_and_Investments 


InterSun Freelance

Alliance: Moon Warriors 
Members: 326 (AUTZ Heavy) 
Location: NPC 0.0 (Syndicate), Empire (Amarr Empire mostly but we travel to all corners), Wormholes
Occupation: We try to maximise variety and do something of everything 
Tax Rate: 2% 
CEO: Shen Rajinto 
Recruiting:  Open
In-Game:   InterSun
Contact:   Please register on our forums and visit our in game recruitment channel.
Notes:   Long established corp. - "Older" gamers. - RL first, laid-back, fun. - Max ingame variety in 0.0, WHs & Empire. - NBSI, with stable alliance and other allies. - Low tax. - All TZs. - No compulsory ops. - Outstanding corp culture. - No epeen or smacktalk. - Big corp with a small corp feel. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/InterSun_Freelance 
Website: http://intersun.forumotion.com/ 

Insomnia Inc 

Alliance: Amarr Militia 
Members: 10 (100% Aussies)
Location: The Bleak Lands
Occupation: PvP 
Tax Rate:  
CEO: Kaeser
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  Snooze 
Contact:  E Varakova

Must haves:

Positive standings to Amarr faction.(FW standings repair plan is available)

Play in the AU/NZ TZ.

Mumble Access.

Willingness to engage in lowsec PVP.

No mission running pilots. 


Australian Amarr FW Corp.

Based in The Bleak Lands.

Mature player base. No CTA's, No Structure Grinds

T1 Frig, Destroyer and Cruiser SRP

Killboard: http://eve-kill.net/?a=corp_detail&crp_id=306146


Invictus Australis


Members: 24 (90% Aussies)
Location: 0.0 - no fixed abode 
Occupation: Null Sec PvP 
Tax Rate: 20% 
CEO: waukesha
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  FKRUN 
Contact:  waukesha


Was part of Scrap Iron Flotilla with VDD, however after VDD re-joined NCdot, Waukesha decided to take FKRUN in a different direction.

FKRUN is soon to be reforming, with a lower recruitment requirement. Specializing in small gang combat. Carebear and casual friendly.

DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Invictus_Australis 
Killboard:  http://eve-kill.net/?a=corp_detail&crp_id=96559

Kinder Parteh

Members: 13 (100% Kiwi)
Location: Black Rise 
Occupation: Low Sec PVP 
Tax Rate: 100% 
CEO: Vanilla Ninja 
Contact:  Vanilla Ninja, NZTitan 
Seeking:   Active, good guys, preferably local.
Notes:   We are a group of flatmates and friends from New Zealand located around Auckland who enjoy a good bit of low sec PVP. We are well established in the system Kedama and live there most of the time. We are not aligned with any factions and generally fight most visitors passing through. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Kinder_Parteh 
Killboard: http://kp.eve-kill.net/?a=home 

Modulated Dreams

Members: 30 (90% Aussies)
Location: The Citadel 
Occupation: Mining, industrial, PVE 
Tax Rate:  
CEO: Boroa 
In-Game:  Modulated Public 
Contact:  Kurranh Sertan , helples 



North Eastern Swat

Alliance: Pandemic Legion
Members: 229 (Small % Aussie - but aiming to grow!) 
Occupation: PvP 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Shadoo 
Recruiting:  Yes 
Contact:  Shadoo, PMSing (in AUTZ) 
Seeking:   PvP Pilots
Notes:   Pandemic Legion have a core group of active AUTZ players across the Alliance, in both this corporation and others. They are always on the lookout for more Aussies to join them. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/North_Eastern_Swat 
Website: https://www.pandemic-legion.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?107-NESW-Recruitment-Forum 


Members: 40 (90% Aussie)
Location: High Sec 
Occupation: Predominantly into industry and missions 
Tax Rate: 1% 
CEO: Gunny Giggles 
Recruiting:  Yes - Limited 
In-Game:  BUGGA IT 
Contact:  Captain Chuckles, Gunny Giggles 
Notes:   After spending a long time in 0.0 a couple of us decided to take the simple life for a while, we are relaxed, have fun and respect members’ rights to do their own thing, but also make it possible to do things as a team. No hassels, no responsibilities, but we don't allow griefing. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Oh_Bugga 

Point Precision

Alliance: Tactical Narcotics Team 
Members: 105 
Location: Branch 
Occupation: Null Sec PVP 
Tax Rate: 0.1% 
CEO: T'ab 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  EXACT 
Contact:  Acturos, T'ab 
Notes:   We Offer: Ships At Cost program (including sub-caps, caps and supers) yes - even titans, Plenty of combat opportunities, Experienced players and FCs, Strong industry and logistics backbone 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Point_Precision 
Killboard: http://exact.eve-kill.net/ 

Sefem Velox

Alliance: Swift Angels Alliance 
Members: 76 (90% Aussies)
Location: Gulfonodi and Minmatar Low Sec
Occupation: PvP (Fleet), PvP (Gang), High Sec and Faction Warfare Missioning 
Tax Rate: 0% 
CEO: Andiedeath 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Sefem Public 
Contact:  Andiedeath 
Seeking:  Aussie/NZ or peeps playing in our Time Zones 
Notes:   Fun corp with regular large high sec or faction warfare fleets usually run for a few hours after downtime (some prior) 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Sefem_Velox 

Serenity. CORP.


Alliance: Diggers Inc. 
Members: 23 (63 in Alliance) - 80% Aussies
Location: Bleak Lands 
Occupation: PvP 
Tax Rate: 8% 
CEO: Dominic Chevalier 
Recruiting:  Yes 
Contact:  Rezel Jesta 

Serenity is an Australia based corp dedicated to PvP. We're a friendly bunch, and would be happy to play with anyone living in a similar timezone from us.

We love being active on TS3 comms and have a relaxed atmosphere.

We have fun flying fleets with the alliance and Amarr FW. We play mostly from 4 to 10pm weekdays and anytime during the weekend.

Noob and vet friendly. Feel free to contact Rezel to apply to join anytime.

DOTLAN:  http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Serenity._CORP.
Killboard:  http://diggers.killmail.org/


Sudden Buggery

Members: 37 
Location: Amarr through Dodixie; roaming 
Occupation: PvP, W-space roams, w-space anomalies 
Tax Rate: 5% 
CEO: Izrid 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Beggars bowl 
Contact:  Trinkets friend, Vengal Seyhan (AUTZ), or  Neverending death, Wintz (USTZ)
Seeking:  Aussie and US TZ PvPers only 
Notes:   Occasional wormhole dwellers, covops, BLOPs 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Sudden_Buggery 

Sons of Alexander

Alliance: AL3ZAND3R
Members: 102 
Location: Syndicate 
Occupation: Null Sec PvP, Missions
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Selucid
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  [S.O.A] 
Contact:  Selucid, Head Teach
Seeking:  Players with a sense of humor. Level-headed, and mature that respect each other. 20million SP
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Sons_Of_Alexander 
Website: http://www.soaclan.co.nz/ 

Southern Cross Empire


Alliance: Flying Dangerous 
Members: 993 (50+ Aussie)
Location: Syndicate 
Occupation: PvP is what we do, PvP is our religion! 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Southern Empire 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  FD 4 PVP 
Contact:  MaiDong, Numbness, Joey4567 
Notes:   Corporation founded by Aussies with strong elements from other timezones as well. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Southern_Cross_Empire 
Killboard: http://www.figl-alliance.com/ 

Southern Technologies 

Members: 46
Location: Sing Laison 
Occupation: Industry, PvE, Small gang PvP 
Tax Rate:  
CEO: Checkmeister Sirober 
In-Game:  TSOLE Public 
Contact:  Daidalos Kriegen, Checkmeister Sirober, Chtolo Jenhoch, Kyrogen X, Spatter Nolen 
Seeking:  API Key required for security check reasons, when applying. Otherwise we take anyone from new players to 10 year veterans; everyone is welcome! 
Notes:   Southern Technologies is a new up and coming Industrial corp, in support of our sister corporation with whatever endeavours they undertake, in a combat space engineer role.

We are mainly Aus/NZ players, part of a Dust/Eve hybrid corp we are a friendly supportive bunch, to assist new players with setting up and provide starter ships, for mining, salvaging and exploring. We have a few avid PvPers but focus primarily on the industry side, and welcoming new players. For those who prefer the intense PvP action that EVE has to offer, there is the possibility for transfer to our sister corporation and its alliance in low security space, if so desired.

Website: http://www.southernlegion.net/ 



Alliance: Rote Kapelle 
Members: 181 
Location: Syndicate
Occupation:  PvP
Tax Rate: 1% 
CEO: Cassius Longinus 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Stimulus 
Contact:  BlackHelmetMan, Cyphodias 
Seeking:  Active PvP 
Notes:   Entire alliance(Rote Kapelle) are active pvpers 30+ players in AU timezone. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Stimulus 
Website:  www.westimulateyou.com

The Brotherhood of Chaos


Alliance: Confederation of  xXPIZZAXx
Members: 52 
Location: Delve / Placid / Outer Ring / Venal
Occupation: PvP
Tax Rate: 11% 
CEO: taleneikov 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Chaos in my pants 
Contact:  Taleneikov, Wanto Xadi, Nina Chelien 
Seeking:  The willingness to kill things. No SP Limit. 
Notes:   Small aussie contingent within PIZZA. Opportunities for blops, bombs, awox, small gangs and other things. We like to keep things cheap and simple, trying to hit above our weight. Looking to expand our doctrines for bigger pewpew.  
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/The_Brotherhood_of_Chaos

The Church of Awesome


Alliance: Caldari State Capturing 
Members: 27 (70% Aussies)
Location: Black Rise 
Occupation: PVP, Low Sec Faction Warfare 
Tax Rate: 0% 
CEO: IbanezLaney 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  ASIO Public 
Contact:  IbanezLaney 
Seeking:  Members are required to base in Low Sec - Enaluri V is preferable.Must enjoy the taste of Gallente tears. Ability to be independent when required.
Notes:   Small gang Caldari FW pvp corp. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/The_Church_of_Awesome 
Killboard: http://godlike.eve-kill.net/?a=home  



The Conference Elite


Alliance: Rainbow Dash Friends 
Members: 18 
Location: Black Rise 
Occupation: Low Sec PvP, Pirates 
Tax Rate: 0% 
CEO: loyalanon 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  the conferencev 
Contact:  Wolf Soprano, loyalanon 
Seeking:  An understanding of PVP and TS with a working mic 
Notes:   Rising from the ashes of the great mining barge buff, we were the busiest highsec gankers in eve. We then took our home in Black Rise to pirate and cause havoc amongst the local militias of caldari and Gallente 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/The_Conference_Elite 

The Nightrage

Alliance: Diggers Inc
Members: 17 
Location: Bleak Lands 
Occupation: Missions, Industry, Mining 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Adam 187 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Diggers Inc
Contact:  Saxxa Roth'Gar, Anomilk Dairlylover
Seeking:  Noob friendly, mature base pilots, team work, no pressure 
Notes:   We don't compare dicks! 
DOTLAN:  http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/THE_NIGHTRAGE
Killboard:  http://diggers.killmail.org/


The Nyan Cat Pirates

Alliance: The Retirement Club 
Members: 61 (50% Aussies)
Occupation: PVP Null sec and Low sec, Griefing, Missions
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Ezeria Mistanta 
Recruiting:  Limited 
Contact:  Ezeria Mistanta, Brockmist, Lyan260 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/The_Nyan_Cat_Pirates 

Van Diemen's Demise

Alliance: Northern Coalition.
Members: 206
Location: 0.0 - no fixed abode
Occupation: PvP 
Tax Rate: 10% 
CEO: Kryptyk 
Recruiting:  Limited 
In-Game:  VDD-Public
Contact:  Kryptyk, Dark Razer 
Seeking:  Experienced PvP players
Notes:   Recently closed down SCRAP and rejoined NCdot. As part of this change, many players within other corps with SCRAP (e.g. FKRUN and STRAYA) joined VDD.
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Van_Diemen's_Demise 
Killboard: http://scrap.eve-kill.net/ 

Unified Combatants


Alliance: Pwnasaurus 
Members: 142 (85% Aussies)
Location: Derelik
Occupation: PvP (Fleets/Gangs/Piracy Yaarr), Exploration, Mining & Industry, W-Space (PI), Ratting & Plexing etc 
Tax Rate: 7.5% 
CEO: Atham Riforge 
Recruiting:  Yes
In-Game:  UCATS 
Contact:  Charioa , Atham Riforge , Renna Varenki , Jon Kauton  

Always looking out for good people to join our ranks whether you are a new pilot or a bitter vet! 

5 million skill point minimum

TS3 voice comms

Have fun, get involved.


Fun laid back Aussie/NZ PVP/Indy corp currently based in Low Sec.

We have: Daily PvP roams led by very experienced FC's Casual mining ops for those who are a bear at heart S & I towers to research and build build build baby Wormhole PI to top it off + other ventures Ship Replacement Program for our fleets & PvP training program for one and all

(Free faction dildo launcher on successful application!)


DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/Unified_Combatants
Killboard: http://killboard.pwnasaurus.com/




Members: 22 
Location: High sec Caldari 
Occupation: PvP (Gang), Mission, Mining, Manufacture 
Tax Rate: 1.8%
CEO: UltraNoobian 
Recruiting:  Yes 
In-Game:  Wolfpack Pub 
Contact:  Magnus Kirk, Shadowyfreak 
Notes:   Wolfpack is more than just an Eve corp, its an Aussie online community. We specialise in PVE & Industrial operations at the minute while we grow our wings. 
DOTLAN: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/WolfPack. 
Website: http://www.wolfpack.net.au/ 



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