With the deployment of Retribution 1.2.4 and the deployment of the new launcher, we received reports internally and externally that people were unable to connect to Tranquility thanks to some misconfigured servers. While this issue was not universally experienced and over 30,000 pilots were able to log in normally before we fixed the issue, we do feel this special case does require a special thank you (for your patience) from CCP.
During tomorrow's downtime we will add 50.000 skillpoints (representing roughly a day’s worth of intense skill training) to the character with the highest number of skill points on each active account (the presumed main). Here’s a quick guide on how to apply those skillpoints.
We're sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you can use these skill points on your adventures.
Your voices have been heard loud and clear and we've been busy taking notes so we'd like to ask you to help us move forward in this thread and keep the feedback focused and constructive. Thank you.
Last modified on Saturday, 25 May 2013 15:10